Términos y Condiciones & Juego Responsable

Términos y Condiciones & Juego Responsable


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  • These Terms and Conditions (including any variation of modification) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Peru. You irrevocably agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Peru Courts to resolve any disputes or issues arising out of or related to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and/or their applicability.

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Responsible Gaming

  • Being responsible in relation to games of chance means knowing if you want to play, how to play, and how much money you can afford to spend.
  • Spending too much time or money on gambling and/or betting, can cause serious problems. Before playing, you should be informed about the potential risks involved in gambling and/or sports betting and how to deal with them.

A responsible player takes the following steps

  • Makes sure he/she knows all the details of the game he/she is going to play.
  • Plays for fun, not as a way of making money or warding off trouble.
  • Decides in advance how much time and money are to be spent.
  • Knows that, in the long term, he/she will likely lose more than win.
  • Does not try to chase or recoup losses.
  • Plays with money that is destined for entertainment purposes.
  • Never uses money destined for monthly expenses, household income, and/or food.
  • Does not borrow money to play or bet.
  • Does not allow gambling to affect his/hers relationships with family and friends.

Ways to keep betting and gambling under control

  • Decide in advance how much money you will play with.
  • Set a time limit during which you will play.
  • Play with the knowledge that you are likely to lose more often than you win. Make sure you are playing with money you do not need.
  • Make knowledge-based decisions – know what the odds are.
  • Consider gambling as entertainment – ​​not a way to make money.
  • If you win a grand prize, rejoice! But remember that it probably will not happen again.
  • Do not play when you are tired, bored, or anxious.
  • Take note of how much time and money you spend playing.
  • Take your family and friends seriously. If they are worried about your gambling habit, it could be because they see something you do not.
  • Only use your own money to play. Do not borrow it.
  • Please understand that in most games you do not control the outcome of the game – it is random.
  • When you are playing, take breaks – walk, eat, go outside to get some air, and unwind.
  • Keep a cool head when playing – limit your alcohol consumption.
  • Balance gambling and betting with other leisure activities.
  • Do not try to recover what you have lost, as that will likely create a bigger issue.
  • Make your own decisions about gambling and/or betting. Do not play just because others pressure you to.
  • Do not use gambling and/or betting to avoid negative feelings or situations.
  • Talk to someone you trust if you are worried about your gambling and/or betting habit.

Self Test

Here is a quick test developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to see if you are at risk of becoming addicted to gambling:

  1. Has there ever been a time in the past 12 months when your betting or gambling interfered with your work or your responsibilities at school, work, or home?
  2. In the past 12 months, has your betting or gambling ever caused repeated arguments or other serious problems with your family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers?
  3. Has there ever been a time in the last 12 months when you tried to hide how much you’ve been playing from your family or friends?
  4. Have you ever claimed to be winning when in reality you were losing?
  5. In the past 12 months, have you ever had periods where you spent too much time thinking about the game when you really should have been thinking about other things?
  6. In the last 12 months, have you ever had periods where you spent too much time planning your bets or studying betting odds when in reality you should be doing other things?
  7. Over time, did you have to increase the amounts you were betting or playing in order to keep the game exciting for you?
  8. Was there a time in the past 12 months when gambling or gambling was a way of getting out of a bad mood or improving your mood?
  9. In the past 12 months, have you ever gambled or gambled frequently to escape or stop thinking about personal problems?
  10. In the last year, after losing money on gambling, was it often the case that you went back to gambling the next day to try to recoup the money you lost?
  11. At a time when you had a large gambling debt, did it occur to you to bet more and more in the hope of recouping your losses?
  12. Have you ever tried to acquire gambling money by writing bad checks, stealing, or doing anything that would be considered illegal?
  13. In the past 12 months, have you repeatedly tried to borrow money from your family or friends to support your gambling habits or to pay off your gambling debts?
  14. Has it occurred to you in the past 12 months that you have often had such a strong urge to gamble and gamble that you couldn’t resist or kept you from thinking about anything else?
  15. In the last 12 months, has it ever occurred to you that you have gambled, even though you knew you had promised yourself that you would not, or did you gamble much more or for a longer period than you initially intended?
  16. Not just in the last 12 months, but throughout your life, how many times have you seriously tried to cut down on playing games or how many times have you seriously tried to stop playing (never; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; multiple times)?

Finally, if you answered yes to the previous question (16):

  1. Has trying to cut down or stop betting made you feel restless and irritable?
  2. Since you first tried to cut down your bets or stop gambling, what has been the longest period of time spent without a game (years/months/days)?

The more yes answers, the bigger your gaming problems.

Information and Help in Peru

The problem of gambling isn’t just about losing money – it’s also about how it can affect a person’s entire life.

Information: https://www.gob.pe/institucion/mincetur/noticias/18620-apuestas-deportivas-consejos-para-un-juego-responsable

Help Groups: https://jugadoresanonimosperu.com/

Remember: Money gambling is considered fun when there is control and pleasure in the act itself; however, it is no longer considered as such when it implies suffering, lack of control, and, consequently, the loss of freedom of decision.

Odds.dog is here to help you

Finally, if you think you have a problem with gambling and/or sports betting, or you know someone with gambling problems, complete or ask your acquaintance to complete the questionnaire we left above. If the result is indicative of an underlying problem, visit the Peruvian Responsible Gaming website or, alternatively, the Gamblers Anonymous website, for which we have left you the links above, and ask for help.

The game becomes a crisis when it stops being just pure fun and becomes part of your life in a compulsive way, becoming an addiction. Thus, the expectation generated by betting leads the player to have a feeling of euphoria and pleasure.

At the same time, he begins to think he is invincible and, consequently, to believe in the impossibility of defeat, thinking only of positive results and the existence of a good chance of winning the best prize. When they lose, the dependent gambler usually returns to bookmakers to try to get their money back, believing they will have better luck next time.

In conclusion, don’t forget that compulsive gambling is a disease, progressive in nature, that cannot be cured, but can be stopped, provided that it is properly identified. It is important for society to stop stigmatizing these types of mental health problems so that seeking help is no longer seen as taboo.


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Adlytics, LDA tiene el derecho, en cualquier momento, de transferir total o parcialmente sus servicios a un sistema de terceros. Si esto ocurre, los usuarios serán informados a través del correo electrónico registrado.

Información y Ayuda en Peru
El problema del juego no solo se trata de perder dinero, sino también de cómo puede afectar toda la vida de una persona.

Información: Juega Bien – Ser responsable es parte del juego
Grupos de Ayuda: Jugadores Anónimos Colombia

Recuerda: el juego con dinero se considera divertido cuando hay control y placer en la propia actividad; sin embargo, deja de ser así cuando implica sufrimiento, falta de control y, en consecuencia, la pérdida de la libertad de decisión.

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